Education and Rally for All Sailors

The Coho Ho Ho is both an educational seminar series and a sailing rally where sailors of all abilities come together to make their way down the coast, from Seattle to San Francisco and beyond.

As many sailors will tell you, the run south along the world's longest lee shore is one of the more difficult passages for any sailor.  With the education and support the Coho Ho Ho provides, the trip is safe and fun for the entire fleet.  The Coho Ho Ho departs the end of August each year and arrives in San Francisco by mid-September.  From there, the fleet is well positioned to continue down to San Diego and meet the Baja Ha Ha rally at the end of October.

What's a rally?  It's a group of boats going the same place at about the same time.  It's not a race (although some will decide it is for them!); instead, it's a great way to realize your blue water sailing dreams by gaining important practical knowledge and offshore experience, with the safety of numbers.

That's exactly what the Coho Ho Ho provides, so join us today!

Be Safe

The trip down the coast from Seattle to San Diego can be a difficult one.

With the Coho's full slate of educational seminars, and the support and strength of numbers in our fleet, we give sailors the tools to make the trip safely and successfully.

Coho seminars are equally valuable for Baja Ha Ha participants as well!

Have Fun

While safety of our fleet is key, no rally is complete without some good old-fashioned fun.  

First, make lifelong friendships during our seminar series leading up to the event, and get to know your fellow Rally Runners.  Next, join the fleet in a sendoff party from the annual PNW Cruisers Party.  As you make your way down the coast, enjoy the company and comfort of radio chatter, advice, and information from the rest of the fleet.  Finally, we welcome the fleet in San Francisco with a group event that's not to be missed.

Realize Your Bluewater Dreams

With the experience and knowledge you gain from our seminars and the rally, you'll have the skills and comfort level you'll need to sail wherever the wind may take you.

Realize your bluewater sailing dreams!  Many of our Rally Runners continue south to meet up with the Baja Ha Ha in late October.  Others use their skills and knowledge to charter and sail all over the world.  Once you've made the Coho passage, an entire world of blue water cruising is yours to explore.